It’s been a year since The American Legion’s Mission Blue Post Assistance Program went into effect following the adoption of Resolution No. 36 by the National Executive Committee during the 2020 Fall Meetings. The program provides eligible American Legion posts financially affected by COVID-19 government restrictions with up to a $1,000 grant. These funds are to pay current or past due rent, mortgage, utilities and insurance premiums.
However, of the more than 12,400 American Legion posts, only 465 have applied for, and received, this grant.
In looking at the eligibility requirements for the Mission Blue Post Assistance grant, it was identified that a possible deterrent for posts to apply is the insurance requirement. Therefore, to ensure posts in need apply for and receive this grant, the following eligibility requirements for the grant application are now in effect.
1. Any post that does not have insurance that names the national organization as an additional insured and/or has not filed a 2021 Consolidated Post Report but meets the other grant qualifications identified in Resolution No. 36, may receive up to $1,000.
2. Any post that has met the insurance requirement and has a 2021 Consolidated Post Report on file and meets the other grant qualifications identified in Resolution No. 36, may receive up to $2,000. Posts that previously applied for and received a $1,000 grant, can reapply to receive another $1,000.