
We know finding housing for your law studies can be a stressful process, so we make every effort to provide you with the support you need to find a place to live while pursuing your studies at RWU. Please utilize the resources below to start your housing search.

If you have questions about housing or the local area, please contact the Office of Admissions at 401-254-4555 or lawadmissions@rwu.edu and we would be happy to assist you.

Living in the Area

While at the School of Law, some students find living accommodations in downtown Bristol, renting apartments in homes of the Colonial, Federal, and Victorian eras, many of them located near the picturesque Bristol Harbor. The nearby historic towns of Portsmouth, Warren, and Barrington, as well as the East Side of Providence, are also very popular locations for law students to live. We've partnered with VeryApt to help make this process easier, check out those resources here.


Students may post roommate requests on their class GroupMe.


Please utilize the resources below as you begin your search for housing as a law student at RWU Law. We strongly suggest you take advantage of our Apartment Checklist as you begin to narrow down your search. If you need assistance, please contact the Office of Admissions.

The listings and resources made available here are offered as a courtesy to aid RWU graduate students in their search for off-campus living arrangements. RWU makes no endorsement and undertakes no inspections of, and assumes no responsibility for, the listed rental properties, landlords, or realtors. In addition, RWU makes no promises, representations or guarantees concerning the condition of the listed premises. RWU is not a party to any contractual or other legal relationship regarding housing arrangements made between students/faculty/staff and individual landlords and is not responsible for any lease or its terms that are negotiated with any landlord. No information provided here or on any websites provided herein creates a legal relationship between RWU and any third-party regarding such facilities. Renters are encouraged to only reside in housing that is compliant with local and state housing codes.

University Sponsored Housing

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Our Graduate and School of Law living community is designed to provide graduate students and law students with a convenient living experience just two miles away from the RWU Bristol Campus. The Almeida 200s Building offers apartment-style living with three different room type options to meet your needs.

Each apartment is carpeted, fully furnished, and equipped with a living room, a kitchen with a full-sized electric stove/oven, refrigerator, dishwasher, dining room area and bathroom. There is a laundry facility on the first floor of each building. Each student will be placed in a room with at least one apartment mate, with the option to live with up to four people in one apartment. More information about the Almeida Residential Community can be found here.

Application Process:

  1. Complete Your Application: Fill out all required fields in the housing application form. Be sure to provide accurate and up-to-date information to help us best accommodate your needs. This application will close on June 5, 2024, at 5:00 PM.
  2. Review by Residence Life & Housing Staff: Once submitted, your application will be reviewed by our Residence Life & Housing staff for approval. Please note that approval of your application does not guarantee a housing assignment.
  3. Roommate Matching Period: If your application is approved, you can match with roommates until June 10, 2024, at 9:00 AM. More information about this process is included in the application.
  4. Notification of Assignment: On June 14, 2024, you will receive an email notification informing you whether you have received a housing assignment. If assigned, this email will include your housing contract for the 2024-2025 academic year.
  5. Signing Your Contract: If you receive a housing assignment, you will have one week to sign and return your housing contract.

Important Information:

VeryApt Housing Resources for Local Rentals

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Finding an apartment is listed as one of the most common stressors for our incoming students. This page has information about university housing for graduate & law students and information about VeryApt, Roger Williams' personalized housing portal for our program.