Individual Permit Electronic Applications and Forms

Please be advised that beginning October 1, 2018 all wastewater & underground injection control permit applications and notices of intents for general permit coverage may be submitted electronically using the Georgia EPD Online System (GEOS). More information on GEOS, including training and guidance materials can be found here.

All of the applications for the various types of individual permits are listed below:

New Facilities Interested in Discharging or Land Applying Wastewater

All new facilities seeking a permit to discharge or land apply wastewater in Georgia must first complete and submit the “Wastewater Regulatory Program New Facility” form to the Wastewater Regulatory Program prior to submitting a permit application using the Georgia EPD Online System (GEOS).

For Renewal Applications

Please be advised that reissuance applications are due in their complete form 180 days before the expiration of the permit through GEOS. Monitoring of many of the application pollutants may not be required by your current permit; therefore, you may have to schedule additional sampling analyses in order to complete the application. If you have existing data that fulfills the application requirements that is less than 4.5 years old for domestic applicants or 3 years old for industrial applicants, you may use that data in lieu of conducting additional sampling.

EPD recommends that facilities begin the process early, such that a complete application may be submitted on time and without enforcement action. Facilities may request a pre-application meeting with EPD prior to application submittal to ensure the application is complete.

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES)

New or Expanding Proposed Point Source Discharges & Antidegradation Analysis

Please refer to the requirements for Technical Design Review before beginning the application process.

If you are seeking a new or expanding proposed point source discharges to surface waters:

  1. A wasteload allocation request should be made using the “ Wastewater Regulatory Program Wasteload Allocation Request ” form. Please submit the form to the Wastewater Regulatory Program.
  2. Upon receipt of the wasteload allocation, an Antidegradation Analysis must be conducted and submitted as part of the NPDES application. New and expanding discharges may begin using the updated Guidelines and documents. However, applicants who have already submitted or begun the antidegradation analysis process do not need to resubmit their analysis using the new forms. Upon EPA approval of the updated antidegradation language in 391-3-6-.03(2)(b)(ii), use of the updated Guidelines and documents will be required.

Please submit the Antidegradation Analysis using the applicable form as follows:

Domestic Wastewater Applicants

Applications must be submitted electronically through GEOS.

Industrial Wastewater Applicants

All industrial applicants must complete both of the following:

All industrial applicants must also submit the applicable site specific application(s):

Land Treatment/Disposal Systems

For new or expanding facilities, please refer to the requirements for Technical Design Review before beginning the application process.

Both Industrial and Domestic wastewater facilities must complete and submit a Land Application System (LAS) application using GEOS.

Industrial Pretreatment

State Issued Pretreatment Permit Application

Any facility who discharges process wastewater to a POTW must obtain a pretreatment permit from EPD using GEOS. If the POTW has an approved industrial pretreatment program, please contact the local POTW to obtain a permit.

Industrial Pretreatment Programs

POTWs required to obtain an approved Industrial Pretreatment Program should utilize the following guidance:

Underground Injection Control (UIC)

Beginning October 1, 2018, all new facilities seeking to apply for an UIC permit must submit the “Wastewater Regulatory Program New Facility” form to the Wastewater Regulatory Program prior to submitting an application using the Georgia EPD On-line System (GEOS).

Class V Permits

Mixed Waste Non-Domestic Septic System (NDSS) Permit

Remediation System Injection Well Permit

Class V Pilot Test

The following Pilot Test Notification form must be used when an applicant intends to acquire accurate and precise field data for the development of a Corrective Action Plan and for determining the applicability of the type of injected fluid. The form must be submitted to EPD a minimum of 30 days prior to the execution of the pilot test.